Friday, May 26, 2006

Weeks 6 - 9 (1st - 26th May)

Rolled into Perth for a month of family time staying with Saxon & Paul. Travel takes its toll so the whole team required a “service”… Getaway had her “teething” problems ironed out and was given a 10,000 km check-up. George went to observe Skiv’s oil and filter changes so that he can do it himself along the road. A mini bookcase and cooler box has been fitted behind our front seats; the roof rack removed and repainted; a pair of buffalo horns (from Kariba!) mounted on it giving Skiv a striking new appearance (Excuse me… more like a Territory hoon!)
We have even had a “Rubber Tramps” sticker put on the back of “Getaway”! Lea’s chiropractor fixed her back after a grape grounded her in a Melbourne supermarket and the dentist fixed the tooth she broke on an olive pip in Hermanus. Sun worshipper George had his skin checked and cancers removed.

We consider ourselves lucky to have been blessed with perfect summer weather throughout May with just a hint of winter as evenings draw in and look forward to more of the same as we prepare to trek into the northern parts of Western Australia. We have certainly been kept busy with preparations for this leg; Saxon has lined shelves, drawers and cupboards with thick non-slip matting to cut the damage caused by vibration. A generator purchased and run in to enable us to be self sufficient with regard to power; Lea’s been busy baking and stocking up the pantry. Things have never looked better! The only disappointment has been the realisation that, weighing over 2.8tons, Getaway is too heavy for the remote controlled caravan mover to work optimally but it’s a great blessing when it comes to hitching it up.

In between we have been able to socialise with many of our Perth friends ….. see a movie (Tsotsi) and rounded off our stay with “Stomp” - a spectacular show performed by 8 characters that entertained us for two hours beating out the most infectious rhythms on everything from brooms to dustbins; buckets and kitchen sinks; empty water containers; rubber pipes; match boxes; lighters; newspapers; footballs and plastic bags … accompanied throughout by wild dancing, clapping and foot stamping.

There being no peace for the wicked, George helped Paul build the decking around their newly acquired, outdoor spa bath. Saxon & Paul, along with sausage dog Harley, have taken a week off work to travel in convoy with us up to Kalbarri. There, we’ll spend six days together in a caravan park at Red Bluff. Hopefully the men will catch the tucker as fishing is said to be good there. We intend exploring the Murchison river and finding time to do some serious relaxing on the beach. Posted by Picasa

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